Study a tarot deck in 21 days
Let's make this challenge together and win it !
Hi, My name is Ouassima and I created this Free Challenge because I love Cards, Art, Tarot readings and Sharing.
The goal of this challenge is to get to know our decks in a fun and easy way...
Do you say to your self that you have many decks ?
Do you want to know them better in an easy and fun way ?
Do you need motivation ?
If Your answer is yes so .... This Challenge is for you !
The challenge offers practical and fun exercises that you can do whatever the time you have in your day. Whether you have 5 minutes or want to take an hour a day to dive deeper in your study, it's up to you :)
The principles are simple: Being concrete and having fun together!
We all know that sometimes, being alone can be demotivating, while in a group, we support each other, It is stimulating !
Join us to share your impressions, your spreads, your experiences, your feelings with a lovely community of card lovers…
In this challenge, you will find 3 free booklets for every week:

Watch this before !
Your Study booklets :

Week 1
Download here
Week 2
Download here
Week 3
Download here
Here is what they say about it

"she develops a Workbook for each week of study. It's interactive with you asking your deck questions. There are spreads too. Then she'll ask if you'll share spread answers or how you are feeling about the deck. I think it's a really great way to learn!" Jennifer.B
"I really enjoyed working with this deck. Being so new to tarot, I was overwhelemed by the thought that I may not be able to do this, but I have loved every moment of the study. I have connected with my deck in a way that I didn't know I was capapble of.
Seeing everyone elses experiences has helped me to better understand the card meanings, and I was even able to give my first reading to someone other than myself!
Thank you Ouassima! I am so glad I came across this group. And look forward to doing another study in the future!" Tara-Leigh Reyes
Our Past study deck + full reviews
Find more about these decks on our blog here
Wild unknown Tarot - July 2018
Shadowscapes Tarot - August 2018
Fountain Tarot - September 2018
Deviant Moon Tarot - October 2018
Marseille Tarot - November 2018
Mary El - December 2018
Thoth Tarot Level 1- January 2019
Modern SpellCaster's Tarot - February 2019
Alice Theme deck - March 2019
Prisma Visions Tarot & Margarete Peterson - April 2019
Frequently asked questions
How to start ? Even if we have created this booklet in a certain order, you do not have to follow it word by word, follow your hythm and time.
Do I need to know how Tarot system works ? It may help, but if you don’t, there is no problem, our questions and spreads can speak to any lever Tarot reader. We encourage you to jump in, because we have to start somewhere, right ?
What if I do not have time? Our goal is to help you practice in 5 minutes or more per day,that’s why we didn’t put any obligations or strict rules. If you do the challenge in 21 days that’s perfect, if you don’t, don’t blame your self, instead, use this energy to do more spreads :)
Am I obliged to have the deck you entend to study?
In case you do the challenge alone : NO.
In group : That will help as focus in “Getting to know a deck”. But WAIT, don’t jump into Amazon or Etsy to get it, wait for the next challenge, or tell us what deck you “already have ” and you want to study; you can choose also a deck that has the same vibes :)
Can I use different oracles and tarot decks at the same time? That’s your choice, but the reason we created this challenge is to stay focused on one deck at the time, but we can add oracles for example to it as Combos !
The deck doesn’t speak to me after a week ! Don’t panic !It can happen, so ask your self if this deck is for you, or are you having a Tarot burnout… or do you want different exercises. In all cases, share with us , we might be living the same thing LOL
How can I access the Booklet ? Every week has it’s own booklet available here, you can download them for free : ) Then join (if not yet a member) our Facebook group : Study a Tarot deck in 21 days.
Do I need to share in this Facebook group ? You are highly encouraged to do so by taking pictures and sharing your thoughts as it is a way to gather insights and impressions about the same deck. It helps you also to practice and exchange Tarot reading with others.
Other questions ? DO not hesitate to ask us